Posts from Sarah Cooper

Open blog post titled 'Eleven Most Awkward Moments at High School Graduation'

Eleven Most Awkward Moments at High School Graduation

1. That moment when you don’t know which hand to shake with and which to take your diploma with 2. That moment when you fall asleep during the graduation speeches (Stephan Savoia/Associated Press) 3. That moment when you post a selfie on Instagram with the caption “Just Gratuated” 4. That moment ...


Open blog post titled 'The Ride of Shame: 10 Worst Ways to Get to the Office'

The Ride of Shame: 10 Worst Ways to Get to the Office

Obviously there are worse ways to get to the office or school than say, a brand new BMW paid for by your company. The key question is: what are those ways? We thought you’d never ask. 1. The Bus If you’re looking to save money while getting smacked in the face by butts and backpacks, the bus is ...