Eleven Most Awkward Moments at High School Graduation

1. That moment when you don’t know which hand to shake with and which to take your diploma with


2. That moment when you fall asleep during the graduation speeches

(Stephan Savoia/Associated Press)


3. That moment when you post a selfie on Instagram with the caption “Just Gratuated”


4. That moment when you didn’t know you were holding your diploma upside down

Max Feinberg (@maxfein7) | Twitter)


5. That moment when you realize your tassle is on the wrong side


6. That moment when someone’s family blows an airhorn



7. That moment when you realize it was your family blowing the airhorn


8. That moment when you do your celebration jump and your gown covers up your entire face


9. That moment when you throw your hat up and it falls back in your face


10. That moment you didn’t know which camera to look into


11. That moment when you realize how awesome this accomplishment really is