Entrepreneurial Mindset: The Key to Success is Perseverance
As a high-level fitness trainer I see it all the time. I meet people in January. They have excitement and drive and they are ready to lose tons of weight; get in the best shape of their life and conquer the world! Time goes by and most of these people show up less frequently, start gaining back ...
Leadership Lessons: 3 Keys to Cultivate a Passion for Growth
I always wanted to be successful in school, work and everything in which I was engaged. I can also say that I understand that to be successful I would need to commit to hard work and be willing to sacrifice. But this thought process left me frustrated and unclear as to why I wasn't experiencing ...
How Green is Your Grass?
The new generation entering the workforce is not afraid to move on to something that could be better. They aren’t afraid to change majors three times before finally graduating; they aren’t afraid of moving from one job to another; or even switching careers. That is ok. In fact, it can be good ...
Smile! It’s Free.
I ran out during my lunch today to take care of a few errands. The roads are clogged, stores packed and parking lots so full that you even have to stalk someone for a spot at Wawa. It’s that time of year when many of us are busy buying holiday gifts for loved ones and friends. People are always ...
How to Manage Your Time as a College Student
With everyone going back to school – or already there – we posted a request on our Facebook page of our college students for their best tips on how they manage their time. Here is some great advice for anyone who wants to get better at time management: “Do your schoolwork during normal school ...
Living on Purpose
At no other time of year do you see people with a similar focus than now – the start of a new year. The distractions of the holidays are left behind, and we turn the page on a new chapter in our lives. It is a time of introspection and reflection about what we want for ourselves in the upcoming ...
Congratulations! You’re Going to Love Your CUTCO
“I think it’s very important that whatever you’re trying to make or sell or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won’t be here in ten years.” - Martha Stewart My experiences with Vector Marketing and the CUTCO product are easily summed up in those words. Sales is ...
Vector Marketing & A Culture of Giving
Recently, I finished reading Seth Godin’s book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? It does a great job articulating a feeling that has been developing within me over the past couple years as it challenges the reader to become great, or a ‘linchpin’, in their given industry through art creation. ...
3 Back Pocket Lessons I Learned From Vector Marketing
I stole from Vector. Big time. Every day, I walk around with a handful of lessons in my back pocket, which I call on regularly. I picked up these life lessons as a young college student. They were disguised as advice for success as a Vector sales representative. Little did I know they’d pay ...