Posts in The Voice

Open blog post titled 'How to Prepare for Life After Graduation'

How to Prepare for Life After Graduation

Elaine Stover accepting a College Bowl check. Summer is quickly approaching, and hundreds of thousands of students will be graduating college and entering the 'real world' of work. I caught up with Elaine Stover from the Career Services center at Arizona State University and asked her to share ...


Open blog post titled 'Internships and Experiential Learning Often Helps Students Stand Out'

Internships and Experiential Learning Often Helps Students Stand Out

How important is experiential learning to your development as a student? I recently caught up with University of Texas at San Antonio's Experiential Learning Coordinator, Christian Corrales, who shared some interesting thoughts with me. “Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller, Outliers, explores the ...


Open blog post titled 'Financial Fitness: 5 Simple Disciplines for Financial Success'

Financial Fitness: 5 Simple Disciplines for Financial Success

Tax time is a good time of year to consider your financial state and develop a plan to move in the right direction over the year ahead. Building wealth is not something that happens overnight; unless you win the lotto. It takes discipline. Discipline is simple actions taken consistently over ...


Open blog post titled 'Leadership Lessons: I dare you to be authentic'

Leadership Lessons: I dare you to be authentic

I failed an economics class twice before eventually passing. I have owned two businesses and both failed. But my third business is thriving! We have all failed at something, but one of the keys to bouncing back is allowing yourself to be totally authentic as you fail. What many people do is put ...


Open blog post titled 'Officially launching The Voice!'

Officially launching The Voice!

Our goal for The Voice: To be a trusted source to help prepare you for the job market after high school or college. When you're ready to start looking for your first job, not only will you be prepared, but you will stand out from the competition and be better positioned to to land your dream ...


Open blog post titled 'The importance of understanding originality leads to a better appreciation of progress'

The importance of understanding originality leads to a better appreciation of progress

Love it or hate, we all know it: The Harlem Shake. You Tube videos involving children and CEOs, professional athletes and military personnel, and oh so many more! There's a role for everyone, mostly because very little dance talent or coordination is required. Which, coming from someone who ...


Open blog post titled 'Sales and Sushi: Are They Really That Different?'

Sales and Sushi: Are They Really That Different?

Why is “sales” such a scary word for so many? When we think of sales, it often conjures up a stereotype of a pushy, aggressive used car salesman. The salesperson is slick, and the customer is always on the losing end of the relationship, right? I think selling is like sushi for many people. ...


Open blog post titled 'How To Select a Great Mentor Coach'

How To Select a Great Mentor Coach

For over 30 years, I’ve been blessed to have been both informally and formally mentored; I have informally mentored others for over 18 years and formally coached dozens for the past 7 years. When mentoring is executed well, there’s nothing better; once you’ve experienced it, you’ll never want to ...


Open blog post titled 'Do What I Say, Not What I Do'

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

One day I was sitting in my office, waiting for my assistant manager to come in for a meeting with me steaming. I was upset because he was 10 minutes late to a half hour meeting, and this was not the first time. When he finally arrived, I had to have yet another talk with him about arriving on ...